Black History Month Peterborough

The celebration of Black History Month provides an opportunity to focus awareness on the events of history and identify the lessons that can be learned. Black History Month has been celebrated across the UK for over 30 years, each year growing from strength to strength.

The origins of BHM go back to 1926 when Carter G Woodson, editor for thirty years of the Journal of Negro History, established African Caribbean celebrations in America. Woodson chose the second week of February because it marked the birthdays of two Americans who influenced the lives and social conditions of African Americans: former president Abraham Lincoln and abolitionist Fredrick Douglass. Black History Month is celebrated in the month of February, while here in UK it is held in the month of October.

In Peterborough Black History Month has been celebrated for many years. In 2013 the Black History Month Committee was formed by 5 locals who saw the need to continue creating the awareness and Promote knowledge of the Black History, Cultural and Heritage. We are looking for sponsorship from individuals and businesses in Peterborough to continue promoting the Black heritage and Black achievements and in particular to celebrate Diversity to promote equality in our community and work places. Collectively we will embrace our differences, learn from each other and make Peterborough a better place to live. Below are some black heroes to note.

Heavyweight Champ: Jack Johnson became the first African-American man to hold the World Heavyweight Champion boxing title in 1908. He held onto the belt until 1915.

First Lawyer: John Mercer Langston was the first black man to become a lawyer when he passed the bar in Ohio in 1854. When he was elected to the post of Town Clerk for Brownhelm, Ohio, in 1855 Langston became one of the first African Americans ever elected to public office in America. John Mercer Langston was also the great-uncle of Langston Hughes, famed poet of the Harlem Renaissance.

Supreme Court Justice: Thurgood Marshall was the first African American ever appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. He was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, and served on the court from 1967 to 1991.

Mission, Aims & Values

Our Mission
Our Mission
To effect positive change and development through research, education, empowerment, advocacy and outreach projects as well as to promote community cohesion and integration, celebrate diversity, interpret and disseminate information about Black life history and culture to the global community and to work with different service providers in the community. To be inclusive in our projects and to promote meaningful social mixing. To work in partnership with different organisations to create awareness of Hate Crime and Modern Slavery.
Our Aims
Our Aims
  • Recognise significant contributions to society made by people with Black Heritage and their history is integral to mainstream narratives.
  • Disseminate information on positive Black contributions to British Society.
  • Heighten the confidence and awareness of Black people to their cultural heritage.
  • To continue to promote equality for all nationalities and share one platform to celebrate our skills and talents.
Our Values
Our Values
  • Work in the best interest of the whole community we live in.
  • Remain fair in judgement and decision making.
  • Not operate to further the interests of any political party.
  • Be professional, fair and diplomatic in all our operations.
  • Uphold and work within the constitution of BHM Peterborough

Strategic Partners

HM Government
Client 1
Client 8
Care Organisation
Kando Care
Client 1
Client 2
Client 4
Client 5
Client 6
Client 7
Client 8
Client 8
Kando Security
Live-In Care Ltd
Kando Home Care