
Black African and Caribbean leaders meeting

The Chairperson Bernadetta Omondi chairing the meeting of Black Africa and Caribbean leaders meeting with the Chief Executive Gillian Beasley, Wendi Ogle Woburn, Adrian Chapman, Tony Jewell from Public Health, Jonathan Lewis Director of Education, Commander of police Andy Gipp.

The meeting was to explore issues raised by the Black African and Caribbean leaders on Recruitment Education Health Police powers- Use of force and stop and search.

This is the first time a meeting like this has been done with Black African and Caribbean communities.

The Chairperson said there is a need to start a dialogue, give information and create a link between the community leaders and the Leaders in Authority.

This meeting was under the umbrella of Black History Month Peterborough, Peterborough Racial Equality Council and Peterborough Windrush group.

Black History Month has been celebrated all across the UK for around 30 years.

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